self portrait

13 04 2010

000000bot is at it again

8 04 2010

Got most of the kinks worked out, we’re picking and placing paper now using the second robot – apparently this is MUCH harder than we imagined…I now have a lot of respect for those in the paper feeding/printing industry.

Here’s a quick video of 000000bot drawing a tag that was uploaded by the graffiti artist TEMPTONE to using the eyewriter.

Next up –> iPad!

Paper is porous? Who’da thunk…

6 04 2010

Using the second 6-axis robot to move paper in and out of the ‘graffiti pad’ in proving much more difficult than we thought…We are using 4 suction cups pulling ~10psi of vacuum to grip the paper, and instead of picking up one sheet at a time we’re lifting the whole stack!  The solution? – Use photo paper because it’s much less porous!  I probably should have thought of this before buying 500 sheets of 110lb cardstock.

More robo-mayhem

6 04 2010

Those of you familiar with Graffiti Analysis will recognize the tag below (it’s the logo)…drawn by our very own delinquent robot!

If anyone has a tag they’d like to see drawn by a robot, send a link to the GML code from to –> (those are zero’s)

Graffiti tagging robots!

5 04 2010

Every once in a while I get to do something really fun at work.  For the last few weeks I’ve been working on a project to take data generated by Graffiti Analysis (iphone app) and make a robot draw the tag.  Graffiti Analysis is a really cool app that lets you draw quick graffiti tags and then upload them to, a repository of GML (Graffiti Markup Language) code.

The final demo will include an iPad, 1 more 6-axis robot, and lots and lots of paper and smelly markers…until then, here’s a video of a low-speed trial run…and yes, it does look like a 4 year old drew that picture 😉

How it works:

  1. Draw graffiti using the Graffiti Analysis iPhone app
  2. Upload to from the app
  3. Our pc application automatically downloads new tags from 000000book that came from a specific user
  4. The pc application translates gml code into real world robot coordinates and sends the data to our robot controller
  5. The result: a really expensive automated graffiti tagging machine!